The push to get these finished was 'Ides Of March', the first of hopefully many Warmachine tournaments of its name here in Auckland.
36 players, 7 games. I won 2... Moving on.
No but seriously, it was a lot of fun and glad to have been a part of it.
Aside from finishing the gold on the Immortals, the Bronzeback Titan was the only thing I needed to get done for Ides. Was nice to not be painting until 5am before the tournament for a change.
And here's some other random pics I took while the force was on the table.
Ancestral Guardian
Standard Bearer... minus the Bearer. Since it gets no attacks I used the fig to make another Swordsman.
Bronzeback Titan and Extoller
Cyclops Brute AKA Zaal's bodyguard.
Titan Gladiator
The man who makes it all tick and his sneaky friend.
Currently deciding which force is next. But first, some IKRPG figures!